To celebrate the 10th year of cooperation, RLS and the University of Social Sciences and Humanities under Vietnam National University – Hanoi (USSH HN) co-organized a series of activities from 19th to 20th April 2012 to highlight the achievements gained so far. The first brick of cooperation – the policy project – was signed in 2002, initiating not only a long-term and mutually fruitful relation but also the entry of RLS to Vietnam. After 10 years, the cooperation has born fruits for both sides. For USSH HN, it is the Center for Policy Studies and Analysis (CEPSTA) – the first and leading center in the policy field in Vietnam - and the major in Policy Science - established on the ground of RLS-funded policy projects. For RLS, the representative office has been established in Vietnam in 2009, currently having partnerships with around 20 local institutions from central government agencies to grassroots CSOs. Moreover, RLS and its affiliated ideas and visions lay a concrete foundation in Vietnam. The press meeting co-chaired by Mr. Khanh – USSH HN Rector – and Ms. Nadja Charaby – Country Representative of RLS in Vietnam – commenced the opening of the two-day anniversary. Reporters from more than 20 newspapers and TV channels were present to cover the anniversary.
Right after the press meeting, a book exhibition presenting the selected publications of USSH HN's projects and other RLS partners was opened. The collection demonstrates RLS' operation and contribution to Vietnam's development in Vietnam during the last 10 years. Participants and students were highly attracted with the collection typifying RLS' works in Vietnam. Later a game show on the life and cause of Rosa Luxemburg – a socialist and labor movement activist, living in the early 20th century whose name the foundation chose because of her outstanding commitment for social justice and people's solidarity – really heated the ballroom. Rosa Luxemburg's life and her ideas of liberty as well as fighting for democracy inspired young players as well as their supporters. The questions of who she is, what and who she stood for were answered by the students during the game show.
The last activity of the anniversary – a conference with participants from Germany and Vietnam - was held 20th April to review the results of last ten years as well as exploring potentials for future cooperation. Mr. Jörg Schultz – Deputy Director of the Centre for International Dialogue and Cooperation – and Marlies Linke – Head of the Asia Desk – from RLS headquarters participated in this conference as well as other activities. Furthermore, Dr. Detlef Nakath from RLS Brandenburg and Prof. Klaus Steinitz from RLS Berlin added valuable contributions on the work of RLS in Germany. Vietnamese participants included key and representative members of USSH HN and beneficiaries from the joint projects of USSH HN and RLS. Summa summarum, the cooperation inspired a policy network at central and provincial level - two of the project's beneficiaries are now deputies of the National Assembly term XIII. The conference closed the anniversary but opened a new period of equal-partner cooperation between RLS and USSH HN. Through the heightening of cooperation with USSH HN as well as other partners, RLS expects to support Vietnam's political and socio-economic transformation process with socialist characteristics embedded.